DCN Global events regular speaker

[Face of YouTube for Creators channel](https://nastiadebowska.notion.site/Face-of-YouTube-for-Creators-channel-835965b29d5a4749b7175a0fbd05cf4d)

200 largest media companies in EMEA: YouTube Analytcis for improving channel performance webinar

Growth on YouTube 101

Content strategy basics for Female Tech startups with Femtech Insider

[Educational content strategy for higher engagement with Fuse Universal](https://nastiadebowska.notion.site/Educational-content-strategy-for-higher-engagement-with-Fuse-Universal-cb2ecdcc1ac44b849c519342c1556f1e)

YouTube 360: Analytics for creators session

YouTube Travel: Uncovering What Audiences Watch (2018)

YouTube NextUp program lead (acceleration program)

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